How much One Reagent is needed for a tray of 64 vials?

FAQs Product

The amount of One Reagent used depends on several factors as described below. The QbD1200 monitors the One Reagent and will stop analyzing and display a warning on the screen if the One Reagent runs out.

The One Reagent is supplied in concentrated form in a 500mL bottle which has a 6 month shelf-life. For use in the QbD1200, the One Reagent is diluted, using just 10mL of One Reagent mixed with 990mL of low TOC water (<100ppb). The diluted One Reagent has a shelf-life of 7days.

Whilst the diluted One Reagent used in the QbD1200 has a 7 day shelf-life, it is expected that most QbD1200 users will make up a fresh bottle of diluted One Reagent with every tray of 64 samples to be analyzed.

The amount of reagent used can vary according to:

  1. The number of vials to be analyzed and number of analysis replications

    For water samples with <4,000ppb TOC, just 2mL of One Reagent is consumed when analyzing each sample from the vials loaded into the autosampler. In addition, the sample line back-flush performed at the start of each new vial analyzed uses 5mL and 2 mL forward flush of One Reagent. So, for example, if the QbD1200 auto-ranging function was turned off and the autosampler was configured to analyze three samples from each vial, then analyzing each vial would consume:

    Sample (3 x 2mL) + forward flush (3 x 2mL) + back flush 5mL = 17mL of One Reagent/vial

  2. If the auto-ranging function is enabled (if analyzing samples >4,000ppb TOC)

    If the level of TOC in the vial is <4,000ppb, then each sample replicate uses just 2mL of One Reagent (plus the initial 5mL for line back-flush – see a) above). If the level of TOC is >4,000ppb, then the One Reagent will be used to dilute the sample, using a maximum of 9.6mL of One Reagent per sample analysis for water with >32,000ppb, plus an initial 9mL of reagent for auto-ranging for each vial.